
About Blooming

Often, I am inspired by the many talented superwomen in my life. Women who possess many talents and capabilities to bless the lives of others. However, I am just a girl trying to bloom in my busy life of being a happy homemaker. My family is the most important thing to me, therefore I try to blossom every day. Whether it's laughing and loving my husband, changing diapers, running and playing with my toddler, working, taking care of a "heaven on earth" and more, I am determined to find my time to flourish. It is not an easy task by all means, but I do try.
This blog is dedicated to growing. To instill a desire for individuals to become better. Whatever "better" may be for you is completely your own, but I do hope you come away from the saying "I could never do that?! to the accomplishment of "I did it myself!" 
This is also a way I can keep track on my progress (if you will). You know how you always say your going to do something but never get it done? Well, if I show you all the "talents" I want to gain, it's bound to get done because I'll have an obligation to finish it. (does that make sense?) You, my  readers are holding me responsible to finishing my goals. (hehehe! exciting!!!)
It troubles me that I don't know how to sew a blanket, fix a flat tire, grind wheat and use it, cook, make stain glass, decorate a cake, grow a garden, or many other things that make an independent woman and family. In a generation where traditions are not passed down readily these days, I am determined to rid myself of such ignorance. This is my place to post my creativity. I have goals I want to accomplish on this road of acquiring new attributes, and you my friends will watch me in the process of growing. 
I will post many projects that I am learning to do and leave you with "how to" accomplish such things.
Not only do I hope to inspire your creative side to "Grow" and "cultivate" the beautiful talents that lie within yourselves, but I wish to be nourished by your talents as well. Let us bloom, and become that much better together.